What is the nature of language? Language is not something to be learned the way a person learns anything else (e.g., playing tennis, driving a car, etc.). Language is an abstract, implicit and complex system. How grammar develops in learner’s mind and brain? What is the role of grammar in second language teaching? In this module we will explore the role and effects of a ‘focus on form’ component in second language teaching. During the module an analysis of how the principles derived from theory and research can be applied to day-to-day teaching of grammar (focus on form) in modern languages will be examined and discussed. Research and theory in instructed second language acquisition provides valuable information about how grammar is learnt and how different factors may impact on the effectiveness of different pedagogical interventions. These pedagogical interventions move from input (e.g. input enhancement, input flood, structured input tasks) to output-based options (e.g. collaborative tasks, structured output tasks). In this module participants will be able to develop their own material for a ‘focus on form’ component and plan how to test its effectiveness in the language classroom through ‘action research’.
Price 340 Euro. (E’ possibile utilizzare la carta del docente, iniziativa formativa ID.18753)